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WOWSA … Tita To Be Honored

Courtesy of WOWSA, Ibiza Channel, Spain.

One of the honorees at the 2018 WOWSA Talks & WOWSA Awards will be Tita, formally known in the marathon swimming world as Margarita Llorens Bagur.

The native of Ciudadela, Islas Baleares in Spain was voted as the 2017 World Open Water Swimming Performance of the Year for her 73 km solo attempt to swim between Ibiza and Javea in the Spanish Islas Baleares.

For years, the 49-year-old president and inspiration of the Menorca Channel Swimming Association has been making several epic attempts in the Islas Baleares archipelago in her native Spain. Her unsuccessful crossings only made her stronger,” describes Steven Munatones.

In 2013, she attempted a 84 km swim from Ibiza to Mallorca (Cruce Canal Ibiza-Mallorca), but she called the swim after 20 hours 30 minutes and 74 km because of jellyfish. In 2014, she attempted the same 84 km swim again, but she ended up with the same result that she finally achieved in 2015 after 28 hours 13 minutes. In 2016, she attempted a 90 km solo swim between Eivissa and Dénia [shown below] and this past July 2017, she attempted another 90 km swim.

On July 26th, she will make yet another 90 km attempt to cross the Canal de Ibiza, guided by her chief kayaker Francisco Siscu Pons.”

Tita will receive her WOWSA Award on November 10th at the Olympic Club in San Francisco.

Ibiza Channel – Canal de Ibiza.

For more information about the WOWSA Awards, visit here.

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