Courtesy of WOWSA, Miami, Florida.
Open water swimmers know water functionally serves as medicine. It is good for the body, mind and soul.
The 8th Annual Blue Mind Summit, hosted by Wallace J. Nichols, will feature leading researchers and practitioners from all over the world who are bridging science, ancient wisdom, and real world solutions to examine water as medicine.
Scheduled for October 4th 2018 this year’s summit can be seen both live and online. It offers two opportunities to join us in the discussion of this important topic.
1. Attend live in Miami, Florida at the Frost Museum of Science where Blue Mind leaders examine the health benefits of water and explore ways to communicate the cognitive, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual benefits of keeping it healthy. The program includes blueminded films, a full day of interviews, and one-on-one engagement with like-minded attendees.
2. Participate in the online Blue Mind 8 Online Summit, a virtual classroom designed to reach a global audience. Gather friends and colleagues and create a mini version of the summit or simply watch from anywhere to gain access to all of the films, interviews and a digital download of the workbook to allow for a clear understanding of each topic.
Register here for the live event. Register here for the online offering.
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