Courtesy of Silverline Productions, Moloka’i Channel, Hawaii.
The Moloka’i Channel, also known by its original name in the Hawaiian language, the Ka’iwi Channel that means the Channel of Bones, is the 42 km deep-water (701 meters) channel between the islands of O’ahu and Moloka’i in the State of Hawaii.
Toni Enderli, a South African entrepeneur with plans to complete the Oceans Seven, had a rough, but successful, 20 hour 35 minute crossing of the channel on September 1st and 2nd. He swam under the guidance of escort pilot Ivan Shigaki with crew members Linda Kaiser and Andrew Mitchell.
The Channel of Bones is a documentary film of Enderli’s crossing of the Molokai Channel. The film covers Enderli’s planning and build-up to the crossing, its start, feeding and its dramatic finish on Oahu’s Sandy Beach.
The film was created by Silverline Productions will be launched on October 26th in South Africa.
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