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Sweet Carolina Swims 4 Good

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Carolina Prieto is only 13 years old, but she completed a charity swim this last week in San Francisco that raised US$6,500 for breast cancer research.

We are doing a project at my school called Take Action Project (TAP) where we pick a problem, research it and take action to try and solve it. I chose breast cancer because it kills too many people and it’s cruel.

I decided to swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco because I love swimming and it seems kinda scary. Hopefully I can both: complete the swim and help change people’s lives.”

The plan is to swim on May 11th at 7am, but it will depend on how the conditions are that day. Thank you to David Holscher who will captain the boat and the swim and to Night Train Swimmers and Swim4Good for showing me how to use swimming to help others.

Prieto successfully swam and everyone on her team agreed that was a great experience. “She crossed in 44 minutes in good hands with David Holscher as her boat captain and Miguel Meléndez of the Night Train Swimmers) as her kayak escort,” reported her father Mauricio Prieto.

Thanks to David who captained the boat and the swim and to Night Train Swimmers and Swim4Good for showing me how to use swimming to help others,” said Carolina with a wide smile.

For more information on Prieto’s Swim4Good project, read here.

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