The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Strategically Savvy Surf Swimming In Santa Monica

Improving in the open water competitions demands building your experience in the open water. Swimming in a pool just isn’t going to do the trick. Tough taskmasters who are experienced in the open water know the magic.

If you want to know how to swim butterfly better, go to a coach who has developed world-class swimmers. If you want to run a fast 10K, go to coaches who have guided budding age-group runners and collegiate stars. If you want to succeed as a pro triathlete, seek the advice of someone who has done it themselves.

The same thing holds true for open water swimming success. If you want to really know the in’s and out’s of the sport; if you want to know tactics, techniques and training methodologies, then go to coaches with the most practical (not theoretical) experience. In the open water, there is no substitute for experience and first-hand knowledge of what to expect in bodies of open water and during competitions.

On the west coast of America, TOWER 26® Wednesday Beach Swim is the result of three decades of open water experience by one of the toughest taskmasters in the open water business, Gerry Rodrigues.

The TOWER 26® Wednesday Beach Swims are weekly intense workouts that draw hundreds of wetsuit-clad triathletes and world-class swimmers. In’s-and-out’s are the name of the TOWER 26® game as the hundreds of athletes are separated into groups of comparable speed. Body surfing tips, navigational IQ development, body and head positioning advice are just a few examples of the comprehensive open water wisdom tossed about like dough in a pizza shop by Coach Gerry (shown above in the lifeguard tower giving tips).

If you are in Southern California on business or pleasure, TOWER 26 is the place to be on early Wednesday mornings.

Copyright © 2011 by World Open Water Swimming

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