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RCP Tiburon Mile – Elite Heat

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Evgeny Bezruchenko:
You have done this race since the very beginning. Has the race become easier? How the race become faster? What was the hardest year? Why?

Keri-Anne Payne:
How was your overall experience in Rio? Can you describe the Olympic 10K race? Are you planning to compete in Tokyo 2020?

David Carry:
What are you thinking when you watch your wife in the Olympics? What is the last thing you tell her – or ask her – before she races?

Brooke Bennett:
How do you fit swimming in with motherhood? Do you think motherhood can make women better swimmers? Why?

Becca Mann:
You have been accepted by one of the hardest collegiate programs to get into (USC’s Cinematic Arts program, I think). Do you see yourself as a screenwriter one day? USC is on a roll athletically. What are your swimming goals at USC?

Michael Sheil:
You are the sole Australian representative here at RCP Tiburon Mile. What does that mean to you, especially since Australians have always swum well here? Do you have any strategies that you can explain to us?

Chip Peterson:
You are still swimming well. How much are you swimming on a daily basis? Who do you swim with? What is your most difficult main set over the last 12 months?

Andrew Seitz:
[Note, I do not know Andrew]

Dan O’Connor:
How was this summer of swimming for you? Are you going to continue swimming over the next quadrennial?

Stephanie Peacock:
You swam well at Olympic Trials. Are you going to continue swimming over the next quadrennial, aiming for Tokyo 2020?

Lauren Boyle:
[Note, I do not know Lauren]

Katy Campbell:
How was Rio? What was your most exciting race in Rio? What goes through your mind in the ready room? Are you going to continue swimming over the next quadrennial, aiming for Tokyo 2020?

Ous Mellouli:
How was Rio? Tell us about the 10K Marathon Swim.

Ashley Twichell:
You are married now. Are you going to continue swimming over the next quadrennial, aiming for Tokyo 2020?

Emily Brunemann:
You are married now. Are you going to continue swimming over the next quadrennial, aiming for Tokyo 2020?

Copyright © 2016 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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