The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Quietly And Quickly, Liz Fry From Spain To Morocco

This Tuesday, Liz Fry ripped off a remarkably fast 3 hour 35 minute crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar to complete her third crossing of the Oceans Seven.

55 years young, there is plenty of time for Fry to continue what she does best: swim fast for long, long, long periods of time.

A member of the Half Century Club, Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming, and the 24-hour Club, Fry has completed the English Channel, Catalina Channel, Strait of Gibraltar, Ederle Swim, Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, and In Search of Memphre.

In other words, when the going gets tough, Fry gets even tougher.

Photo of Elizabeth Fry, courtesy of Kevin Hagan of the Daily News.

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