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Quartet Cools And Cruises To An Ice Mile

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

I was witness to four amazing swims by four amazing women,” said Greg O’Connor of the Massachusetts Open Water Swimming Association of a joint ice mile attempt in Boston.

Congratulations to Kellie Joyce, Rena Marie Demeo, Paula Yankauskas and Helen Lin [shown above]. After some paperwork, you will be able to call yourselves International Ice Swimming Association Ice Members. I hope the recovery isn’t too long. I also want to personally thank all of the volunteers who came out today to make the swims possible and keep everyone safe.”

Accolades came from around the world for the quartet, although there was a close call that resulted in a visit to the hospital. “We saw first-hand why this is not an event to be entered into lightly and just how dangerous it can be. We are happy to say that all of the swimmers are now safe, but today has made me personally question the need for such a challenge. We are proud of all four Ice Mile swimmers and are also proud of the volunteers who made it possible and kept all safe.

Is it youth or is it a steadfast positive nature?” asked Lynn Kubasek about Lin who is one of the lightest and most slender ice swimmers in history. “She has a brilliant, unwavering smile and is my new hero, such an inspiration.”

Copyright © 2014 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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