Rita Vanesa García is a long-time professional marathon swimmer from Santa Fe, Argentina.
Among her many swims, she has competed in 10 Traversée internationale du lac St-Jean races in Canada including a third-place finish in the 68th race in 2022 and a victory in the 25 km Ohrid Swimming Marathon in Northern Macedonia.
She has also competed in 9 Maratona del Golfo Capri-Napoli in Italy (between 2012 and 2023, the most of any female in history) and dozens of other pro races since 2008. She has raced in the 15 km Maratón Acuática Internacional Ciudad de Rosario, the 88 km Maratón Hernandarias-Paraná, the 15 km Cozumel Grand Prix, the 32 km Traversée Internationale du lac Memphrémagog, the 16 km Faros Marathon, and the 57 km Maratón Acuática Internacional Santa Fe – Coronda.
García is now running for political office as a national respresentative with Estaban Paulón and Nicolás Lungo as well as Yolanda Beatrix Arce, Martin Sebastian Nocioni, Monica Edit Liliana Alvarado, Ramiro Javier Arola Lecour, Barbara Aylen Bercovich, Martin Alejandro Caciarelli, and Mariana Beatriz Moyano. She explains, “This is a year of transition where I am doing many things, including running for national representative in the October 22nd election, but I am also continuing swimming and will head to Mexico for a 30 km swim tomorrow.”
The general elections will be held in Argentina on October 22nd to elect the president, vice president, members of the national congress and the governors of most provinces. García’s party includes presidential candidate Juan Schiaretti, the current Governor of Córdoba Province where García first made her name in the professional marathon swimming world. She will go as a National Deputy.
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