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Paige Kieding, Vito Bialla To Fundraise While Swimming

Courtesy of Night Train Swimmers, Anacapa Island, California.

15-year-old Paige Kieding is always fast asleep at 2 am.

But not on October 1st when she will begin a two-person relay at that time with 69-year-old Vito Bialla from Anacapa Island to the California mainland.

The duo will cover most of the 20 km channel in darkness, swimming into sunrise.

Bialla describes his expectations and goals, “The conditions can be harsh with tides, winds and obviously unnamed wildlife.

Our Night Train Swimmers is a nonprofit 501c 3 organization that is dedicating this swim to fundraising for the Navy SEAL Foundation. All donations will have a pass-through rate of 95% going to the foundation. As a Vietnam veteran, I am proud to support our SEALs and their families. As is Paige Kieding, an extraordinary person and swimmer.

To support our cause, visit Night Train Swimmers. For more information on our swim, visit here.”

To track their swim, visit here.

Vito has raised the most amount of money for charities in the history of open water swimming relays,” observes Steven Munatones. “Together with the Night Train Swimmers and their swims from Lake Powell to San Diego, no one is even close.”

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