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Not Since 1967 Has This Swim Been Done

It has been nearly 46 years since someone – anyone – has been able to swim from the Farallon Islands to the California mainland.

Nearly a half century has gone by since anyone has seriously come close to replicating Ted Erikson‘s feat (see below) of swimming 30 miles while shivering in the cold, rough water facing the largest Great White Sharks this side of South Africa.

No American or South African; no Irishman or Aussie; no British or Canadian has done it.

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No one. Nothing.

But the conditions are looking pretty good for Joseph Locke to give the Farallon Islands crossing a good shot today starting at 11 am San Francisco time.

There is a 70% chance of success [given the conditions],” boldly predicted Vito Bialla who will be navigating alongside shark expert David McGuire of Sea Stewards. “We leave San Francisco at 8 am [on the escort boat] and jump at 11 am from the Farallons. Joe swims home to finish at midnight, give or take a couple hours. I imagine being under the Golden Gate Bridge at midnight.”

Locke has the strength, speed, and stamina to succeed. He has the character, crew, and the courage to get this done if Mother Nature cooperates.

Locke can be tracked on the Night Train Swimmers website (here) after his 11 am California start time on Monday, June 10th.

Water temperature is expected to be an unseasonably warm 53-54ºF (11-12ºC). You can follow Locke through the feeding and breeding grounds of the Great White Sharks here.

Copyright © 2013 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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