The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Katy Dooley Does 1-2-3 To Join Triple Crown

1…2…3. That is what it took for 46-year-old Katy Dooley of Austin, Texas to achieve the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming at today’s Manhattan Island Marathon Swim.

The Texas swimmer crossed the 20.2-mile Catalina Channel from Catalina Island to the mainland in 2011 in 9 hours 49 minutes. Then she crossed the 21-mile English Channel from England to France in 11 hours 16 minutes in 2012. She completed the 28.5-mile Manhattan Island Marathon Swim today in a quick 3-year period to join 68 individuals in history who have completed the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming.

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