Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
The Coffs Harbour Ocean Swim at Jetty Beach, between Brisbane and Sydney in Australia, is a charity event with 150m, 300m, 600m and 2 km races across a beautiful protected harbour.
At last year’s race, English Channel record holder Trent Grimsey came out of retirement to fire up his competitive juices again. He barely lost to up-and-comer 15-year-old Ky Kinsela of Upper Orara in a 2 km race around the jetty followed by a lap inside the protected harbour.
The 600m race was one lap around the jetty where 7:16 Kinsela beat Grimsey again, 7:16 versus 7:19.
The 150m race for 8-10 year olds and the 300m swim is for those ages 11-14.
The 2017 race will held on April 2nd. Registration is here.
2016 Top 10 Beachside Radiology Coffs Ocean Swims Results:
1 Ky Kinsela (15) 23:33
2 Trent Grimsey (27) 23:37
3 Kai Onley (16) 23:39
4 Lucas Estran (19) 24:18
5 Bonnie Hancock (25) 24:22
6 Tahlia Kollen (17) 26:34
7 Meegan Hoare (29) 26:38
8 Richie Goddard (24) 27:34
9 Michael Dougherty (51) 27:49
10 Keiran Corry (23) 28:03
The 2017 race will held on April 2nd. Registration is here.
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