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To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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disabled swimming

Salvatore Cimmino Keeps Swimming To Help Others On Dryland

Salvatore Cimmino is a disabled Italian swimmer who became the first disabled athlete to swim across the Cook Strait in New Zealand. His 8 hour 20 minute Cook Strait crossing, organized by Philip Rush, was part of his tour Swimming in the Seas of the Globe (A Nuoto nei Mari del Globo – see here and list of 17 swims below) to …

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The Incredible, Inspirational English Channel Crossing of Walid Ahmed Abdel Kader

Walid Ahmed Abdel Kader swam across the English Channel with only one arm and one leg – due to a teenage train accident – in 12 hours 59 minutes in 1990. He tells his story.

Walid is a disabled Egyptian open water swimmer who only has one arm and one leg due to a train accident as a teenager. But he completed a 33.5 km crossing of the English Channel in 12 hours 59 minutes in 1990 at the age of 19 with David Whyte as his escort pilot. He received the Channel

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