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Avram Iancu Struggling Towards The Finish

Courtesy of Canah along the Danube River, Germany.

Romanian Avram Iancu continues on his stage swim of 2,860 km, forecasted to last 60 days, along the Danube River through Europe.

The 41-year-old librarian from Petrosani, Transylvania started his stage swim from Donaueschingen in the Black Forest in Germany. He is now heading into Day 81 as each day is a dynamically different replication of the day before.

Day 80 on September 7th

Iancu swam 36 km today, reaching the 26 km milestone on the Borcea arm of the Danube with less than 300 km left before reaching the Black Sea. “Today has been extremely difficult for me – there are good days and bad days, today was definitely one of the bad ones. I was very difficult to find the energy required to stay focused on swimming and I couldn’t concentrate on it at all. My patience is running out but I hope I can focus better on the following days. Despite the warm weather the water was still slightly cold and uncomfortable, which might be a reason for my lack of focus,” he said.

At the stop for the lunch break, the team met some villagers milking their cows and they gave Iancu plenty of fresh milk, giving him a little more positive energy to finish the day.

The distance traversed on the Danube from the start to Day 80: 2,565 km

The remaining distance to be swum on the Danube: 295 km.

A report on his stage swims between Days 1-9 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 10-13 is posted here.
A report on his stage swim on Day 14 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 15-16 is posted here.
A report on his stage swim on Day 17 is posted here.
A report on his stage swim on Day 18 is posted here.

A report on his stage swims on Day 19-20 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 21-23 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 24-27 is posted here.
A report on his stage swim on Day 28 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 29-32 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 33-35 is posted here.

A report on his stage swims between Days 36-41 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Day 41-44 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims between Days 52-54 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims between Days 55-58 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims on Day 59 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims on Days 60-62 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims on Days 63-64 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims on Days 65-69 is posted here.
A report of his stage swim on Day 70 is posted here.
A report of his stage swims on Days 75-77 is posted here.
A report on his stage swims on Days 78-79 is posted here.
To follow Iancu on Facebook, visit here.

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