The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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58 Years Of Unique Open Water Swimming History In Israel

The 58th Sea of Galilee Swim is a tradition in a truly unique sense. While marathon runs, participatory walks or road-running events are often the largest mass athletic competitions in many countries, Israel stands alone in the world’s community.

Sea of Galilee Swim is the largest amateur sports event in Israel. Held in the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret) in northern Israel, the event will be held on September 24th.

In addition to the amateur heats, there are three competitive heats. Swimmers in the amateur heats may depart anytime between 7-9 am:

Short amateur heat – From Maagan beach to Zemach beach – 1.5K
Long amateur heat – From Ha’on beach to Zemach beach – 3.5K

The competitive heats include 1.5K, 3K or 6K start at Zemach beach at and end at Zemach beach. Only swimmers in these heats will be timed.

In a nod to safety for the thousands of athletes who participate in the event, insurance and an ergonometric test are required. Additionally, boats and rafts are stationed every a few hundred meters along the route. If swimmers get tired, they can climb onto the watercraft for a brief rest and continue when they are ready.

Because of the large crowds expected, a special bus service operates between 7-9 am to take swimmers from the check-in area at Zemach Beach to the starting points for the swim events at Maagan and Ha’on.

Online registration is here.

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