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15 km Gran Fondo Bocche di Bonifacio

Courtesy of Alessandro Pilati, Strait of Bonifacio, Italy.

The Gran Fondo Bocche di Bonifacio will be held on September 19th in Santa Teresa Gallura in Sardinia, Italy.

Pilati describes the 15 km coastal swim, “The crossing of the Bocche di Bonifacio is done in one of the most difficult stretches in the Mediterranean Sea. The Strait of Bonifacio divides Corsica, France from Sardinia, Italy.

Currents and waves are common in this stretch of sea. The area is fascinating and it is and important protected marine area that at times can be wild and is rich in history since ancient Rome.

Swimmers along the 15 km course are escorted by the swimmer’s own boats.”

For more information on the 5th stage of the Gran Fondo Italia (Italian Long Distance Circuit), contact Alessandro Pilati at, visit here. For more information on the 2019 Gran Fondo Italia circuit, visit here.

Additional information is available here and here.

The 5-stage 2019 Gran Fondo Italia circuit includes the following events:

* 15 km Gran Fondo Cinque Terre on June 9th in Monterosso
* 17 km Gran Fondo Porto Conte on June 22nd in Alghero
* 15 km Gran Fondo Golfo Castellabate on July 7th in Castellabate
* 24 km Gran Fondo Naviglio Grande on September 7th in Milano
* 15 km Gran Fondo Bocche Bonifacio on September 21st in Santa Teresa Gallura

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