You Can’t Dive, But You Can Certainly Get A Jump
Courtesy of Nuala Moore, Tyumen, Siberia, Russia.
It is always a study in contrasts when the winter swimmers slowly and gently lower themselves in the near-0ºC water during winter swimming and ice swimming competitions.
They grab the wall with one hand, check their goggles, touch their swim cap, place their feet on the wall…all while breathing steadily and slowly.
But all that slow-motion preparation is a mere precursor to aggressive push-offs from the water. Once the start is signaled, the athletes push strongly against the wall and take off as competitively as pool swimmers dive off their starting blocks.
It is great to see such competitive fire and passion emanate from swimmers of all ages.
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“to educate, enthuse, and entertain all those who venture beyond the shoreline“
A World Open Water Swimming Federation project.