The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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World Explorers Bureau Signs Nuala Moore

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

The World Explorers Bureau offers a global network of heroes and heroines who are considered among the world’s greatest explorers and adventurers.

At conferences, events, speeches, and lecturers, these unique individuals inspire and connect with audiences with captivating real-life stories of their adventures that embody themes of leadership, team work and motivation.

Nuala Moore was selected as a World Explorers Bureau enrichment speaker. “It’s such an amazing opportunity to be able to stand in new section of the world and allow our adventures to speak for themselves. To be able to explain to the public how regular swimmers can take on and believe that anything is possible if they find a way through.

I explain that risk is inherent in all facets of life and how swimming in the ice is the same as turning the key in the door and facing any challenge, except we can manage the outcome of the ice. The need for team – the outcome of an Ice Swim is 100% on the preparation and the team. That is one of life’s great lessons: everything that mattered going in is so little when we need to work together.”

Moore’s first assignment was to present her various ice swims and extremes swims on a cruise liner boarding from Florida.

Copyright © 2014 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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