The allure of the open water is known to many. Men and women have walked down to the shorelines and coastlines to enjoy the allure and challenge of open water swimming, but this profound story of Maria á Heygum (Aldur – Eitt portrett av Mariu á Heygum) by Heiðrik á Heygum is compelling. She speaks in Faroese of her 48 years of ocean swimming in the Faroe Islands, an island group situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, halfway between Scotland and Iceland.
Her outward smile and inner serenity are telling. Enjoy:
Waves – A Portrait of Maria á Heygum from Heidrik á Heygum
Heiðrik was born and raised in Tórshavn of Faroe Island. The harsh beauty of the Faroe Islands is a perfect background to the passion and drama captured by Heiðrik’s film.
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