Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
The Walker Bay Xtreme Open Water Swim is a 2.5 km ocean swim from the New Harbour to the historic Old Harbour in the Western Cape province of South Africa. A panoramic cliff path offers a great bird’s-eye view to witness the perseverance of the participants against the turbulent conditions.
Next race is on April 30th 2017 [register here].
The event is located in Walker Bay Nature Reserve, a nature reserve made up of five areas located on the coast between Hermanus and Cape Agulhas.
Top 10 Results:
1 Julen Rojo-Roos 34:34
2 Jean Burger 34:39
3 Shannon Austin 34:41 (first woman)
4 Emma Alsop 35:07 (second woman)
5 Nick Mortley 35:40
6 Bryan Allot 35:48
7 Tamsin Labuschagne 36:30 (third woman)
8 Ryan Stramrood 37:34
9 Daniel Erasmus 37:37
10 Kieron Palframar 37:57 (fourth woman)
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