Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
The UIPM Biathle/Triathle World Championships will be held between October 21st-23rd at Nathan Benderson Park, a 2 km rowing course and Regatta Center in Sarasota, Florida.
1.1 Definition
1.2 Sphere of application
1.3 Categories
1.4 Formats
1.5 Age Groups and sequence of events
1.6 Organisation of events
1.7 Teams
1.8 Clothing
1.9 Schedule of events
1.10 Participation
1.11 Doping Controls
1.12 Competition Authorities
2.1 Schedule of events
2.2 Time keeping
3.1 World Championships Medals
3.2 World Championships Titles
Appendix 1 – Transition Area
Appendix 2 – Swimming Pool layouts
Appendix 3 – World School Biathle
1.1 Definition
UIPM Biathle is a UIPM sport combining Running and Swimming. UIPM Biathle competitions are
organised nationally and internationally.
1.2 Sphere of application
UIPM Biathle is covered by the UIPM Rules, especially the UIPM Competition, Medical and
Advertising and Media Rules, as far as not specified differently in the following.
1.3 Categories
1.3.1 There are two UIPM Biathle Categories:
Category A: World Championships, World Tour.
Category B: Regional or Continental Competitions, Qualification Competitions.
1.3.2 UIPM Biathle Category A competitions are awarded following a bid and selection process by the
UIPM Executive Board. National Federations should organize both Biathle and Triathle events. In
these competitions, the competition lane must be enclosed by UIPM branded tape or UIPM
branded triangles. Also electronic timing and finish line monitoring is obligatory in these
1.3.3 For UIPM Biathle Category A competitions a water quality test must be made 30 days before the
competition and the certificate sent to the UIPM Headquarters. The samples must contain a
mixture of water collected from three different locations on the swim course. Test results must not
exceed the following standards:
a) pH between 6 and 9
b) Fecal coliform (ocean) not more than 200 per 100mls
c) E’ coli (fresh water) not more than 200 per 100 mils
d) Entero-cocci 35 per 100mls.
The UIPM representatives going to check the venue for a site visit will forward any doubt about the water
quality. They will then advise if more tests should be done.
1.4 Formats
1.4.1 There are two formats: UIPM Biathle and Winter UIPM Biathle.
– UIPM Biathle is continuous and organised outdoors.
– Winter UIPM Biathle is discontinuous and organised indoors or outdoors.
1.5 Age Groups and sequence of events
1.5.1 Age groups and sequence of events for UIPM Biathle are as follows:
Group Age Run Swim Run Total Run Total Swim
Youth F 8 and younger 200 50 200 400 50
Youth E 9-10 400 50 400 800 50
Youth D 11-12 400 50 400 800 50
Youth C 13-14 800 100 800 1600 100
Youth B 15-16 1200 200 1200 2400 200
Youth A 17-18 1600 200 1600 3200 200
Juniors 19-21 1600 200 1600 3200 200
Seniors 22 and over 1600 200 1600 3200 200
Masters A 40-49 1200 100 1200 2400 100
Masters B 50-59 1200 100 1200 2400 100
Masters C 60 and over 800 100 800 1600 100
Masters D 70 and over 400 100 400 800 100
1.5.2 In UIPM Biathle athletes are allowed to enter in one age group only. In the event of there being
insufficient participants in an age category to justify organisation of a separate race, the Organiser
may permit athletes to compete in the immediately adjacent upper category (e.g. Youth E to
Youth D etc.) respecting the distances shown in the table above.
1.5.3 In accordance to this principle athletes classified as “Junior” and competing in a “Senior” category
because of insufficient number of athletes of the same age, will be awarded a World Junior
Champion title according to their age and despite the time and place of their arrival on the finish
1.5.4 In UIPM Biathle the sequence of events is as follows: Running – Swimming – Running, in Winter
UIPM Biathle Running – Swimming. When indoor facilities allow Winter UIPM Biathle may be
organised according to the UIPM Biathle sequence. Where not, the World School Biathle
distances are applied. The age groups are the same. Open water is not recommended for Youth F.
1.5.5 Competitions may be organised separately for men and women, or combined so that they
compete against each other.
1.6 Organisation of events
1.6.1 Each of the different events of the competition must be organised in one area, so as to provide a
flow from one event to another. Spectators must be able to see as much as possible of the entire
competition from their designated area.
1.6.2 A technical meeting must take place for each competition day. The TM defines the final start list.
Following the Technical Meeting, no changes will be allowed.
1.6.3 For safety reasons, a maximum of 24 athletes will be allowed to participate in one heat. If the
course is not wide enough for athletes to stand in single line, athletes will be split into two or
more semi-finals if needed. In the case of semi-finals, National Federations with more than one
athlete should have their athletes equally split between the semi finals.
The first three (3) athletes per semi-finals will be automatically qualified for the final. Depending
on the number of semi-finals, the others finalists will qualify through their time.
A total of 16 athletes will be allowed in the final after qualifications.
3 teams maximum per National Federations are allowed in the Mixed Relay competition, but only
the best ranked team will be allowed to receive a medal.
1.6.4 The transition area will be placed within the final 50 metres of the first running event. (See Annex
C). Competitors must remove their shoes in this area. The Organiser must place preassigned
boxes out of the path of competitors on both sides of the transition area. Each box must be
identified with the respective athlete’s start number. Boxes will be numbered on both sides so
that it can be read from both directions (because athletes will wear the shoes again after the
swimming event. (See Annex A).
The swim course starts from a minimum depth of 90 cm. The course before that point counts as
the running course.
1.6.5 The swimming event may be in a natural or artificial body of water. The swim course should be
reasonably protected from potential adverse weather conditions. For sea or lake events, the
course must be designed so that safety monitor positions and mobile evacuation units can be
stationed and operate from all sides of the course.
1.6.6 Advanced notice of the layout of the swim course must be made available to athletes by the
Organiser. The swim course may be one directional or an ‘out and back’. If out and back, a
separation lane will divide swimmers heading out and those coming back. Where a pool is used,
depending on the number of competitors and the size of the pool, the course may be set up
according to Annex 2.
1.6.7 In case of a discontinuous UIPM Winter Biathle event the maximum number of athletes per heat
will be defined by the entries and the lanes available.
1.6.8 The exit from the water should be made progressive if possible, making the transition to Running
smooth and easy. If this is not possible, the step or edge of the pool or other body of water must
not exceed 0.30 metres from the water’s surface.
1.6.9 For safety reasons, the area near the water, and especially the diving area, must not be slippery to
ensure safe entry and exit of the swimming course. This may require the installation of a slip free
surface, i.e. a rubber mat.
1.6.10 To ensure the safety of athletes, Organisers must provide medical staff on site. Lifeguards must
be present in the swimming area.
1.6.11 Due to the probability of close finishes, a camera must be installed at the finish line to record and
distinguish the order of the athletes as they cross the finish line. For security and media purposes,
the finish line should be square against the line of the course, exiting into a straight funnel.
1.6.12 A clock keeping global time of the competition must run for the duration of the race, until the last
competitor has crossed the finish line.
1.6.13 Timing will be calculated in hundredths of a second (unless available manual stop watches record
to the third decimal point).
1.6.14 To break any tie hundredths of a second timing shall prevail.
1.7 Team
1.7.1 The Team event is 3 competitors, the Mixed Relay 2 (1 woman/1 man). Only the final timing of
the best 2 for Mixed Relay will be considered in assessing final standing.
Team result will be calculated from the best three (3) positions of each National Federations.
1.8 Clothing
1.8.1 For UIPM Biathle competitions, athletes should wear a one or two-piece suit. In all cases, the
upper body part must be covered. The nationality of the athlete must be identified on the suit
(Either name of the country in full or 3-letters country code).
1.8.2 In Winter UIPM Biathle competitions, athletes should wear appropriate clothing for each event.
1.8.3 Footwear: a) must not be worn in the Swimming and b) must be worn when running.
1.8.4 Clear numbers have to be shown on the front and on both shoulders. They should be made visible
using waterproof markers. Where Masters compete clear letters may be shown on the calf
identifying the athlete’s age category.
1.9 Schedule of Events
1.9.1 There will be a 15-minute walk of the course for all athletes after any change in the run distance.
1.9.2 The competition begins with a pack start, in which all competitors gather at the starting line.
Firing a start gun, a whistle or an air horn starts the race. In case of a false start, the relevant
athlete’s start number will be called out and that athlete will be penalised by 10 seconds which
will be add to the final running time at the end of the race.
1.9.3 Competitors must stay inside the competition lane during the race. Competitors leaving the
competition lane will be disqualified. Jockeying for position during the first metres of the race will
be accepted but unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification.
1.9.4 Runners complete half the total running distance before entering a 50 metre transition area
where athletes remove their shoes (and socks if worn) and place them in the pre-assigned boxes.
Athletes are required to place all their kit in the transition boxes and must not hand them to other
persons or leave them on the ground or anywhere else.
1.9.5 After running athletes dive into the water and swim the required swimming distance freestyle
before exiting the water, putting back their shoes and running the second leg of the run to the
finish line. Athletes must wear their shoes when running. In UIPM Biathle the first person to cross
the finish line wins.
1.9.6 Every item carried during any part of the competition (e.g. goggles, cap, water bottle, etc), must
be carried throughout or remain in the respective athlete’s transition box. Any athlete disposing
of or handing over any item will incur a 10 second penalty to be added upon crossing the finish
1.10 Participation
1.10.1 Registration for competitions is co-ordinated through the athlete’s National Modern Pentathlon
Federation. The National Federation has to register all the delegation (athletes, coaches and
officials) through the NF Portal. Access with email and password exists for all NFs.
1.10.2 Registration may also be possible on the competition site (competition secretariat) if National
Federations allow. This process will be developed under UIPM supervision and will happen in any
case before the Technical Meeting.
1.10.3 Organisers must allow time, on the day preceding the event, for accreditation and for the
confirmation of registered competitors. No change in registration will be allowed after the
Technical Meeting.
1.11 Doping Controls
Doping Controls are organised in accordance with the UIPM Medical Rules.
1.12 Competition Authorities
1.12.1 The Competition Jury is composed of the Competition Director or his Deputy, the Event Director
for Swimming or Running respectively, and an elected Team Representative.
1.12.2 The Jury of Appeal is composed of the Chairperson nominated by the UIPM Executive Board, one
member nominated by the LOC and three further members elected from amongst the Team
2.1 Schedule of events
There is a break between the events. The separate times for each athlete’s performance in the
running and swimming events are combined to determine his/her overall performance time. The
athlete with the fastest overall time wins.
2.2 Time keeping
Winter UIPM Biathle requires time keeping for every athlete in running and swimming events. A
computer should be used to calculate athletes’ overall times.
3.1 World Championships Medals
3.1.1 Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be given in each category and team event competition. Teams
of 3 are formed by comprising the highest placed 3 athletes from the same Nation in each
category. Their times will be added together.
3.1.2 The UIPM and the Organiser will share the expenses for the production of the medals.
3.1.3 There won’t be any medals distributed at the end of the season for Biathle World Tour, only
certificates to Top 3 in each category in Individual.
3.2 World Championships Titles
3.2.1 Gold medallists in all categories and for both genders will receive the title “UIPM Biathle World
1 GENERAL ASPECTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Definition ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2 Sphere of application……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.3 Categories………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
1.4 Formats………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.5 Age Groups and sequence of events ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.6 Organisation of events……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.7 Shooting equipment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.8 Clothing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.9 Schedule of Events…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.10 Participation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
1.11 Doping Controls……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
1.12 Competition Authorities………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.1 Schedule of events…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.2 Time keeping…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
3 AWARDS FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS …………………………………………………………………..6
3.1 World Championships Medals…………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
3.2 World Championships Titles……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Annex 1 – Shooting Range – Hit Target for Laser System……………………………………………………………….. 7
1.1 Definition
UIPM Triathle is a UIPM sport combining the disciplines of Shooting, Swimming and Running. Triathle
competitions are organised nationally and internationally.
1.2 Sphere of application
UIPM Triathle is covered by the UIPM Rules, especially the UIPM Modern Pentathlon Combined Event
rules and the Modern Pentathlon Swimming Event rules, Medical and Advertising and Media Rules
insofar as not specified differently in the following.
as at 1 January 2016 2
1.3 Categories
1.3.1 There are two UIPM Triathle Categories:
Category A: UIPM Triathle World Tour and UIPM Triathle World Championships
(including Beach Triathle).
Category B: Regional and Continental Championships, World Ranking Competitions
(including Beach Triathle at local level).
1.3.2 For UIPM Triathle Category A competitions a bid and selection process by the UIPM Executive Board
takes place. In these competitions, the competition lane must be enclosed by UIPM branded tape or
UIPM branded triangles. Electronic timing and finish line monitoring is obligatory in these
1.3.3 For UIPM Triathle Category A competitions a water quality test must be made 30 days before the
competition and the certificate sent to the UIPM Headquarters. The samples must contain a mixture
of water collected from three different locations on the swim course. Test results must not exceed
the following standards:
a) pH between 6 and 9
b) Fecal coliform (ocean) not more than 200 per 100mls
c) E’ coli (fresh water) not more than 200 per 100 mils
d) Entero-cocci 35 per 100mls.
The UIPM representatives going to check the venue for a site visit will forward any doubt about the water
quality. They will then advise if more tests should be done.
1.4 Formats
1.4.1 There are three formats: UIPM Beach Triathle, UIPM Street Triathle and Discontinuous
(i) Beach Triathle is continuous, outdoor and athletes compete barefoot.
(ii) Street Triathle is continuous, outdoor. The running is on a hard surface. Athletes must wear
footwear for Running.
(iii) In Discontinuous Triathle the three disciplines are disputed separately although the
Shooting and Running can be disputed as a Combined Event, outdoors or indoors, starting
with a penalty handicap system by timing.
1.5 Age Groups and sequence of events
1.5.1 Age groups are as follows:
10 years and younger: Under 11 (YE)
11 – 12 years: Under 13 (YD)
13 – 14 years: Under 15 (YC)
15 – 16 years: Under 17 (YB)
17 – 18 years: Under 19 (YA)
19 – 21 years: Junior
22 and over: Senior
40– 49 years: Master A
50 – 59 years: Master B
60 and over: Master C
as at 1 January 2016 3
1.5.2 Sequence of events are as follows for Individual/Relay:
Group Age Sequence Total Swim Total
Youth E 10 and
2×200 run + 2×25 swim + 2×5 shots 50 400 10 3m
Youth D 11-12 2×400 run + 2×50 swim + 2×5 shots 100 800 10 5m
Youth C 13-14 4×400 run + 4×25 swim + 4×5 shots 100 1600 20 5m
Youth B 15-16 4×600 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 2400 20 10m
Youth A 17-18 4×800 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 3200 20 10m
Juniors 19-21 4×800 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 3200 20 10m
Seniors 22 and over 4×800 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 3200 20 10m
Masters A 40-49 4×600 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 2400 20 10m
Masters B 50-59 4×600 run + 4×50 swim + 4×5 shots 200 2400 20 10m
Masters C 60 and over 4×400 run + 4×25 swim + 4×5 shots 100 1600 20 5m
1.5.3 In Beach Triathle, if the running course is very soft sand, the running distances must be reduced by
1.5.4 The sequence of the competition in continuous UIPM Triathle is:
– Pack Start – up to 25 m from the shooting station;
– Shooting – 5 green lights with laser;
– Swimming.
(In Street Triathle, a transition area with numbered boxes must be provided before running segment)
– Running;
– Number of sequences SHO-SWI-RUN according 1.5.1; for Relay, the first athlete completes the first
two series and hands over to the second athlete for the last two series;
– Finish Line (or transition in Relay).
1.5.5 Individual events can be organised separately for men and women, or combined so that they
compete against each other.
If the minimum number of athletes per gender is 8, individual races for each gender must be
1.6 Organisation of events
1.6.1 Organisation of events is in accordance with current UIPM Biathle Rules.
1.6.2 A technical meeting must take place for each competition day. The TM defines the final start order.
Following the Technical Meeting, no changes will be allowed.
1.6.3 The current UIPM Triathle Rules apply to the provision of equipment and its use during the course
of the competition. Additionally, for the Shooting leg(s) only, the competition organiser must
provide shooting targets according to UIPM Combined Rule 5.1.2, respecting the information given
in Annex A, stating in the invitation letter the type and number of targets that will be available for
the competition.
1.6.4 For safety reasons, a maximum of 24 athletes will be allowed to participate in one heat. If the
course is not wide enough for athletes to stand in single line, athletes will be split into two or
more semi-finals if needed. In the case of semi-finals, National Federations with more than one
athlete should have their athletes equally split between the semi-finals.
as at 1 January 2016 4
The first three (3) athletes per semi-finals will be automatically qualified for the final. Depending
on the number of semi-finals, the others qualified athletes will be qualified through their time.
16 athletes will be allowed in the final after qualifications.
3 teams maximum per National Federations are allowed in the Mixed Relay competition, but only
the best ranked team will pretend to receive a medal.
The starting position will be determined by qualification time.
1.6.5 For the swimming leg, in any discontinuous triathle event, the swimming results will be added to
the combined (run-shoot) results or to the results of running and shooting, if conducted separately.
1.6.6 In a discontinuous UIPM Triathle, swimming conducted in a pool will be managed according to the
number of entries (with possible heats) and available lanes.
1.6.7 In addition to any other UIPM Biathle rule applicable to UIPM Triathle, in the specific case of an
event run on sand (Beach Triathle), the course has to be cleaned and set up appropriately by the
event organiser so that will not create any danger for the athletes (from stones etc). The sand has
to be flattened at the end of every third competition with appropriate equipment.
1.7 Shooting equipment
In Triathle, the Organizing committees are allowed to use these types of targets:
– Hit Targets
– Hit & Miss Targets
– Hybrid Targets
– Precision Targets
The mentioned equipment must be homologated by UIPM. If you have any doubt, please contact
Athletes are allowed to use these types of pistols:
– Full Laser Pistols
– Laser Containers
The mentioned equipment must be homologated by UIPM. If you have any doubt, please contact
1.8 Clothing
The clothing rules for UIPM Biathle apply to Triathle in all its forms. Footwear must be worn for
Running, if not on soft sand surface. Competition invitations must state the surface type.
1.9 Schedule of Events
1.9.1 There will be a 15-minute walk of the course for all athletes after any change in the run distance.
1.9.2 General Training sessions for running and swimming must be organised in either pool or sea
(according to the competition course). A running training opportunity has to be offered the same
day of the competition as final warm up. For shooting, open training sessions must be organised
during the day preceding the competition at the competition range. A shooting warm up must be
provided 15 minutes before the start of each competition as well.
1.9.3 The competition begins with a pack start, in which all competitors gather at the starting line. Firing
as at 1 January 2016 5
a start gun, a whistle or an air horn starts the race. In case of a false start, the relevant athlete’s
start number will be called out and that athlete will be penalised by 10 seconds which will be add
to the final running time at the end of the race.
1.9.4 Competitors must stay inside the competition lane during the race. Competitors leaving the
competition lane will be disqualified.
1.9.5 Athletes start in a line up to 25 m from the shooting position. In Street Triathle they must previously
have placed their shoes in the boxes in the Transition Area. If the shooting position is also on a hard
surface, athletes start the competition with shoes: the Transition Area must be placed before the
swimming segment.
1.9.6 Transitioning back on to the running leg, athletes are not allowed to throw any personal items
(including goggles, water bottles and cap) away and are not allowed to hand them over to anyone.
Any violation will be punished with a 10 second penalty.
1.9.7 At the shooting range, athletes must complete successfully 5 hits before continuing to the next
segment (the swimming). If after 50 seconds the athlete has not completed 5 hits, the athlete may
continue to the swimming.
1.9.8 Athletes are not allowed to stop shooting until the end of their 50 seconds or before reaching the
5 hits: otherwise they will incur a 10 second’ penalty to be given at the shooting range before
proceeding to the next leg.
1.9.9 The swim course starts from a minimum depth of 90cm. The course before that point counts as the
running course. Athletes then dive into the water and swim free style (in any fashion) for the
required swimming distance before exiting the water, putting back their shoes (if necessary) to start
the running segment.
1.9.10 After finishing the running leg, athletes return to their dedicated shooting position for the next
shooting series. After the last lap they will cross the finish line in Individual events or changeover
zone in Relay. The last team member in the Relay crosses the finish line.
1.10 Participation
The current Biathle Rules apply to UIPM Triathle.
1.11 Doping Controls
The current Biathle Rules apply to UIPM Triathle.
1.12 Competition Authorities
1.12.1 The Competition Jury comprises the Competition Director or his Deputy, the Event Director for
Swimming, for Running and Shooting respectively, and an elected Team Representative. Referees
for each discipline must be appointed.
1.12.2 The Jury of Appeal comprises the Chairperson nominated by the UIPM Executive Board, one
member nominated by the LOC and three further members elected from the Team
as at 1 January 2016 6
2.1 Schedule of events
There is a break between the events (Swimming and Combined Event Running/Shooting or among
all the three disciplines) and the separate times for each athlete’s performance in the different
events are added to determine his/her overall performance time. The athlete with the fastest
overall time wins.
2.2 Time keeping
Discontinuous Triathle requires time keeping for every athlete in shooting, running and swimming
events. A computer should be used to calculate overall athletes’ times.
3.1 World Championships Medals
3.1.1 Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be given in each category and event competition.
3.1.2 The UIPM and the Organiser will share the expenses for the production of the medals.
3.1.3 There won’t be any medals distributed at the end of the season for Triathle World Tour, only
certificates to Top 3 in each category in Individual.
3.2 World Championships Titles
3.2.1 Gold medallists in the Men’s and Women’s Youth, Junior and Senior categories will receive the title
of “UIPM Triathle World Champion.”
For Annexes see below. For any other annexes please refer to the current Biathle Rules.
For more information, visit here.
Copyright © 2016 by World Open Water Swimming Association