Courtesy of Twelve Productions for Outside Magazine.
We occasionally dream about doing the impossible in the open water. Like…
…swimming up a waterfall
…swimming between Oahu and Kauai across the Kaieiewaho Channel in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
…swimming down northeastern Pakistan’s Rondu Gorge [see above]
If we have otherworldly powerful fins to propel us up a waterfall, defying gravity, we could swim up a waterfall.
If we could withstand box jellyfish and Portuguese man o war and swim for over two days straight in tropical waters with almost unimaginable ocean swells, we could cross the 72-mile (115.8 km) Kaieiewaho Channel.
If we could swim down Class V rapids with buoyant gear and helmets to protect us from smashing into rocks and being pulled down into the crannies between boulders, we could have a downstream swim of our lives.
We will keep on dreaming.
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