Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
Today, Thiago Toshio Rebollo is a Brazilian open water swimmer who set the neoprene record for the 35 km Travessia do Leme ao Pontal between Leme Beach to Pontal in 7 hours 2 minutes 34 seconds, breaking the record of 7 hours 34 minutes.
“Ainda estou anestesiado com o resultado da prova de hoje. O que dizer da Travessia Do Leme Ao Pontal, a maior ultramaratona aquática do Brasil? Larguei da Praia do Leme a 00:50 de hoje, temperatura da água agradável (22°C), consegui imprimir um ritmo forte desde o início, e a alimentação da prova pela primeira vez saiu 100% perfeita. Eu treinei muito para essa prova e sabia que estava preparado, porém esse resultado eu não esperava,” he reported.
The Travessia do Leme ao Pontal was founded and is managed by Adherbal de Oliveira and Renato Ribeiro Barbosa. Their efforts were nominated for the 2017 World Open Water Swimming Offering of the Year along with the following eclectic mix of products, events and services:
1. 48 Braçades by Miquel Suñer (Spain)
2. Blue Journey Dangerous Waves Project with Bruckner Chase (USA)
3. Global Swim Series by Rob Kent & Dylan Kent (Canada)
4. LongSwimsDB by Evan Morrison (USA)
5. New York Open Water by David Barra, Rondi Davies & Alex Arévalo (USA)
6. Open Water Swim Academy by Dan Simonelli (USA)
7. Outdoor Swimmer by Simon Griffiths (Great Britain)
8. Sea Donkey with Adrian Sarchet (Guernsey)
9. Shark Bait by Dr. Seán O’Connell (Bermuda)
10. Swim Argentina by Matías Ola (Argentina)
11. The Channel of Bones with Toni Enderli (South Africa)
12. Travessia do Leme ao Pontal by Adherbal de Oliveira & Renato Ribeiro Barbosa (Brazil)
The nominees for the 2016 World Open Water Offering of the Year are as follows:
Adherbal de Oliveira and Renato Ribeiro Barbosa were honored for the Travessia do Leme ao Pontal with the following description:
The Travessia do Leme ao Pontal is a scenic 35 km coastal swim in Brazil that ends in Pontal and was inspired by a famous song in Brazil called Do Leme ao Pontal. The ocean challenge offers great natural beauty where the swimmer can admire from a privileged perspective the wonders of Rio de Janeiro including Sugar Loaf, Copacabana Beach, Christ the Redeemer, Cagarras Archipelago, Ipanema Beach, São Conrado Beach, Barra da Tijuca Beach and the Pontal Stone. Adherbal de Oliveira and Renato Ribeiro Barbosa created a governing body (Leme to Pontal Swimming Association) that enables solo and relay attempts for neoprene and bioprene swimmers along the gorgeous course.
For creating a professional infrastructure complete with escort pilots, crew, guidance and record-keeping to support marathon swims and relays, for encouraging marathon swimming among people who are inspired to repeat the lyrics of a popular song, for offering opportunities throughout the year in temperatures that can range from 15°C to 26°C, the Travessia do Leme ao Pontal is a worthy nominee for the 2017 World Open Water Swimming Offering of the Year.
To register and vote on the WOWSA Awards and the 2017 World Open Water Swimming Offering of the Year, visit here.
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