Thank you very much for visiting The Daily News of Open Water Swimming. We always attempt to bring an objective, interesting, positive global perspective to the world of open water swimming. During 2009, we posted nearly 1,200 news stories and traveled 149,949 airmiles to cover open water swimming events in 82 countries, from America to Japan, Mexico to Italy and Brazil to Greece.
But we plan to bring even more stories, photographs, interviews and insights to the world of open water swimming in 2010.
We were constantly fascinated, inspired, surprised and entertained by the open water swimmers we met, interviewed and had the very good fortune to observe. The challenges you faced, the victories you won and the dedication you show are truly treasures to behold.
Thank you for sharing your audacity, courage, vision and camaraderie with others – it remains a joy and privilege to be a part of this growing global phenomenon.
Swim on.
Copyright © 2009, 2010 by Open Water Source