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Tandem Swim Completes Triple Crown For Two Veterans

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California: an update to the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming:

There were a lot of decades of swimming and open water experience when Marcy MacDonald and Scott Lautman jointly took off on their last leg of the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming last year in June. If there was anything like a guarantee in channel swimming, it was when these two veterans jumped in the inky black waters off Catalina Island to begin their tandem swim.

The veterans completed their Catalina Channel crossing in June 2013 in 12 hours 9 minutes. While they were swimming from Catalina Island to the California mainland, they stopped while a pod of dolphins swam around them and their escort boat.

MacDonald has completed 15 English Channel crossings and 5 Manhattan Island Marathon Swims. She started off in 1993 with the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim and in the English Channel in 1994 – and has not slowed down one bit.

Lautman completed his Manhattan Island Marathon Swim and the English Channel both in 2000 and was 60 years 7 months old when he completed the Catalina Channel last year with MacDonald.

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