The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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Swimmers Help Sailors Help Survivors

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

60 volunteers, 21 kayakers, 9 escort boats and onshore support teams helped 21 swimmers complete the 2.5 nautical mile swim from Stokes Bay to Ryde Sands this weekend.

Together the group helped raise more than £25,000 for Anna Wardley‘s Solent Swim Challenge in aid of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust on the Isle of Wight. The charity takes young people aged between 8 and 24 sailing to help them regain their confidence on their way to recovery from cancer.

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust teamed up with Gosport-based endurance swimmer Anna Wardley to organise the event.

Upper photo by Katie Beney captures post-swim smiles by the 21 swimmers of the Solent Swim Challenge together with Anna Wardley and Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust Fundraising Manager Clare Ross.

Lower photo courtesy of Tom Savage.

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