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Sir Branson, Adrian Grenier Complete Strait Of Messina

Courtesy of Bruckner Chase, Strait of Messina between Sicily and the Italian mainland.

British billionaire Sir Richard Branson and popular American actor Adrian Grenier were among the successful athletes in a 3.2 km Strait of Messina crossing today.

After recovering from a head-first, high-speed cycling crash on the British Virgin Islands, Branson and Grenier attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars and social media hits in their charity Strive Challenge, a tandem swim that took nearly 2 hours.

Veteran coordinator Nino Fazio and legendary escort pilot Giovanni Arena have never organized a crossing with as many media representatives, escort boats and support staff as they did with the Branson-Grenier Strive Swim.

For more information about their Make A Splash campaign, visit here.

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