Simma med Stjärnorna – The Power of Swimming
Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
Martin Cedergren of the Swedish Swimming Federation recently launched a virtual reality project “The Power of Swimming” (Simma med Stjärnorna) to help hydrophobic children learn to swim.
“The background is a bit scary; one in five Swedish children cannot swim despite the fact that they live in a land of lakes that is surrounded by sea. Through virtual reality, the Swedish Swimming Federation and E.ON introduces a group of children to three members of the Swedish swim team who escort them into the water and help them to overcome their fears by taking a virtual plunge.
Later, the children are taken to a real pool to meet the same swimmers who encourage them into the water where they play happily and begin to learn to swim for themselves.
The documentary film finishes by inviting viewers to to order free virtual reality goggles to use at home or find the nearest local swimming association.”
The film is posted here.
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