Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
Bryan Avery of Elgin, Scotland became the 125th person in history to achieve the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming.
It was a short time coming as his very first marathon swim was his English Channel crossing in 2013. After completing the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim in July 2015 in 8 hours 29 minutes, he knocked off the final leg of the Triple Crown with a 12 hour 54 minute Catalina Channel crossing on October 16th.
But Avery had more than the Triple Crown on his mind.
The Catalina Channel Swimming Federation captured a special post-swim event. “Bryan took a sign with the words, Will you marry me into the finish, and held it up on the beach for Jody Fry to see from the boat. He then presented her with a ring while down on one knee on the bow of the boat upon his return.”
She said yes.
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