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Shanghai Sonar Safety System Starts Soon

Sonar Safety System

At the 2011 FINA World Swimming Championship, a new sonar safety system was purchased by the local Chinese organizers from Japan.

The sonar system overlays the entire 2.5K rectangular course with a minute grid. This grid is monitored by an underwater sonar system that pings the entire course every one second.

In the case that a swimmer goes under the surface of the water due to a distressed emergency system, the sonar safety system alerts a team of scuba divers who are immediately transported to the area by power boats where the athlete was reported.

This US$300,000 system will be utilized at the 5K, 5K Team Trial, Olympic 10K Marathon Swim qualifier and the 25K marathon swim at the Jinshan City Beach this week.

Because the water clarity is minimal due to silt at Jinshan City Beach, the new sonar system is a key element of the overall safety program.
Copyright © 2011 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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