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Setting World Records In The Santa Barbara Channel

There are a number of unique places in the world where a number of world open water swimming records records can be established.

One of those places is the California Channel Islands. The eight islands include Anacapa Island, San Miguel Island, Santa Cruz Island, Santa Rosa Island, Santa Barbara Island, San Clemente Island, San Nicolas Island and Santa Catalina Island.

The Catalina Channel Swimming Federation governs the solo and relay swims between the California mainland and Santa Catalina Island while the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association governs the solo and relay swims of the other seven islands.

The record holders recognized by the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association include the following individuals:

1. First Channel Crossing from Mainland to Anacapa Island (10.8 nautical miles): Cindy Cleveland (USA), 1978
2. First Channel Crossing from Anacapa Island to Mainland (10.8 nautical miles): Cindy Cleveland (USA), 1978
3. First Double-Channel Crossing (Anacapa-Mainland-Anacapa, 21.6 nautical miles): Cindy Cleveland (USA), 1978
4. First Channel Crossing from Santa Cruz Island to Mainland (16.5 nautical miles): David Yudovin (USA), 1983, 15:15
5. Fastest Channel Crossing from Santa Cruz Island to Mainland (16.5 nautical miles): Ned Denison (USA/Ireland), 2006, 10:27
6. First Channel Crossing between Anacapa Island and Santa Cruz Island (4 nautical miles): Scott Zornig (USA), 2007, 2:18
7. First Female Channel Crossing between Santa Rosa Island and Santa Cruz Island (5 nautical miles): Penny Palfrey (Australia), 2008, 2:30
8. First Male Channel Crossing between Santa Rosa Island and Santa Cruz Island (5 nautical miles): Chris Palfrey (Australia), 2008.
9. First San Miguel Channel Crossing from San Miguel to Mainland (22.6 nautical miles): Penny Palfrey (Australia), 26 September 2008, 11:29:46
10. Fastest San Miguel Channel Crossing from San Miguel to Mainland: Penny Palfrey (Australia), 26 September 2008, 11:29:46
11. First Channel Crossing from Santa Barbara Island to Mainland (38 miles): Penny Palfrey, 2009, 17:53
12. First Channel Crossing from Santa Rosa Island to Mainland (Goleta, 23.8 nautical miles): Mark Lewis (USA), 17 July 2008, 15:46
13. Fastest Relay Crossing from Santa Cruz Island to Mainland (22.2 nautical miles): Beau Gatch, Herb Barthels, Pam Parthels, Jeff Farrell, Keith Martin and Steven Snyder (USA), 1984, 11:47
14. Fastest Relay Crossing from San Clemente Island to Mainland (55 nautical miles): Jim Fitzpatrick, Brendan Halffman, Mike Suttle, Craig Taylor, Dave Yudovin, Scott Zornig (USA), 2002, 33:08
15. Fastest Relay from Santa Barbara Island to Mainland (38 nautical miles): Peter Attia, Jason Fox, Marc Lewis, Steve Lowe, Forrest Nelson and Ed Reynolds (USA), 2006, 18:44

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