The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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Santa Barbara Beckons

Scott Zornig, president of the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association that sanctions swims in seven islands off the coast of Southern California, announced the new website of the Association.

Additionally, Dave announced, “With a very lively debate, the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association has adopted a wetsuit policy primarily due to some legacy issues.

Our new policy reads, The SBCSA discourages the use of wetsuits, but understands that certain individuals will feel the need to wear one during their swim. SBCSA will recognize “wetsuit assisted” or “performance enhanced” swims. However, these swims will not be eligible for any records or firsts. Wetsuit assisted swims will be labeled as such and will be listed separately from other successful Channel swims. The SBCSA will not promote the use of wetsuits, but wetsuit assisted swimmers will not be denied unless it appears there is a lack of preparation or safety issues.”

If individuals are interested in observing a swim, they must attend a Catalina Channel Swimming Federation training and have experience in observing channel swimmers. “We are in need of assistant observers who can receive on-the-job training. The SBCSA compensates observers and assistant observers who can contact Dave Van Mouwerik for follow-up.

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