The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Sadie Jones Wins Gar Woods Polar Bear Swim

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

25 athletes competed in the high-altitude (6225 feet or 1,897 meters) Gar Woods Polar Bear Swim in Lake Tahoe, California

It was a lot of fun this year. We managed to get the [250-yard] race in just before the snow and rain made its way across the lake,” explains Kimberly Moore, Marketing Director. “It was a bit windy, but we had a good number of brave swimmers to make a good show.”

Women’s Results:
1st place – Sadie Jones
2nd place – Haven Schroeder
3rd place – Stephanie Ponce

Men’s Results:
1st Place – Tyler Ellis
2nd place – Cody Grimes
3rd place – Mitchell Bell

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