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Rob Dumouchel Delves Into A New Specialty, Aquaculturism

Never heard of an aquaculturist at it relates to open water swimming?

Neither had we.

So we looked it up in Openwaterpedia, and sure enough, it was listed.

An aquaculturist can refer to an individual who cultivates the lifestyle of open water swimming. They are passionate open water swimmers, marathon swimmers, extreme swimmers, ice swimmers, channel swimmers, and adventure swimmers who often train, document, and/or volunteer year round in the sport of open water swimming. Their outlook and output in the open water swimming world often inspires and educates others to delve in greater depths in the sport as well as motivate attempts and adventures in open bodies of water around the world.

Rob Dumouchel is one such individual.

The Korean-speaking cold water enthusiast trains year round in Avila Beach, California and has participated in open water swims all over the United States including the creation of his own cold water challenge, the Pismo Polar Bear 10k Swim.

Photo courtesy of the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association.

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