The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Rick Stich Connects The Real And Abstract In Nature

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Rick Stich, an avid surfer and waterman from Santa Barbara, is exhibiting his artwork in October at the Vita Art Center in Ventura, California.

For more information, visit

The Vita Art Center describes his work that are all open water pieces with an artistic eye. “…Stich has discovered his creative fluency in liquid…Stich finds his inspiration in the color, reflection and movement of water and in its interplay with light and landscape.

His swirling, gestural brushstrokes and vivid hues convey not only the illusionist forms and patterns seen both above and below the water, but also expose the inter-connectedness between the real and abstract in nature.

Ultimately, while it is water in all its manifestations that has provided Stich with a rich field for imagination and study, it is the interaction between humans and the natural world that he hopes to reveal.”

For more information, visit

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