The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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Really Fast Dolphining On Your Side

Really Fast Dolphining On Your Side

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

There are more and more top athletes doing more and more dolphining on their side. It seems to give these competitive swimmers a boost over their competitors, both in the open water (into an onshore finish) and in the pool (off the walls). Ky Hurst of Australia, one of the world’s greatest watermen, is an example of a top open water swimmer who advocates this side-dolphining style.

The Daily News of Open Water Swimming did some preliminary testing and dolphining on one’s side does seem slightly faster than traditional dolphining on one’s stomach.

Photo of Ky Hurst courtesy of his website. Pool swimmers like Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte are also seen dolphining on their sides in the pool below:

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