Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
The Fourth Annual Pontchartrain Film Festival will be held on November 6th-7th. It opens with a free, outdoor screening of Dancing In the Water at the Mandeville Trailhead Amphitheater.
Dancing In The Water is a feature-length film that follows Matt Moseley’s 25-mile swim across Lake Pontchartrain. A boat with music legend Dave Amram, Uganda Roberts and Papa Mali accompanied Moseley.
“The heart of the documentary is truly about the recovery of the lake, with music, told through swimming,” Moseley said who completed a series of three open swims in a lake, ocean and river. His second was a 24-mile swim in the ocean to protect the coral reefs off the Isle of Puerto Rico, and the last in the trio was 47 miles down the Colorado River. “I’m just a regular guy with a family and day job who swims.”
Moseley will be joined by John Lopez of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation for a Q&A session following the film. Moseley’s swim marked the 25th anniversary of the efforts of the Foundation to clean up the lake. All ages are invited to bring chairs to watch the movie under the stars and experience the documentary by award-winning filmmaker Wayne Ewing.
For information, visit
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