The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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Pablo Fernández Álvarez Set a Guinness World Record and Is Going For More

Pablo Fernández Álvarez swam a total cumulative distance of 104.3 kilometers over a 24-hour period in an Endless Pool in Madrid on April 19th and 20th this year.

The 43-year-old Spanish swimmer and entrepreneur swam started at 11:00 am and kept the livecast going throughout the entire event.

The swim was organized by Libertad Silva and Venus Aguillón and supported by observers Jorge Gómez, Emilio Carrasco, Pablo García, Daniel Olmos, and Juan Fran.

After the 24-hour Guinness World Record swim, Silva reported that Pablo was doing well as confirmed by a physician who checked his vital signs. “Surprisingly enough, he was at 77 heartbeats/minute like if he hadn’t been swimming for 24 hours.”

This week in another attempt at a different discipline, Pablo is going to try to swim 300 km in 36 – 40 hours in the open ocean off the coast of Florida, starting at the night.

His observer Robert Strauss [shown below] says, “This week I am invited to monitor, judge and ‘coach’ Pablo, the owner of many Guinness World Records. We know what he accomplished last May in the longest, fastest ocean swim in history [using the power of the Gulf Stream]. This week Pablo’s adventure includes swimming 300 kilometers in under 40 hours…but his goal is 36 hours.”

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