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Olympic Champions Give Back To Swimming Community

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Jim Cotton, one of the founders of the Waikiki Roughwater Swim and the Waikiki Swim Club, shared a tidbit of swimming history and its glorious past of helpful champions.

In the early 1970’s when we were getting the Waikiki Roughwater Swim started, Buster Crabbe, an Olympic champion who played Tarzan, returned to his native Hawaii and helped with the publicity for the race. Buster recalled when he and Johnny Weismuller were teenagers they worked hard building the Waikiki Natatorium toting ‘tons’ of cement and rock.”

Imagine that: some of the greatest Olympic swimmers in history helping to literally build a pool for the public’s use.

That is certainly a great example of giving selflessly back to the swimming community.

Upper photo shows Duke Kahanamoku, Buster Crabbe, Stubby Kruger and Johnny Weismuller. Lower photo shows the Waikiki Natatorium

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