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Michelle Macy Sets Two Records In Patagonia

Courtesy of Cristian Vergara, Patagonia, Chile.

Thought I’d write you a note to let you know of what is going on in Patagonia with regards to swimming.

On November 29th, American Michelle Macy broke Lynne Cox‘s record for the fastest female crossing of the Straits of Magellan in 58 minutes 13 seconds.

Macy broke the female record which stood for 41 years.

Hall of Famer Cox was the first person to have swam the Straits of Magellan in 1 hour 2 minutes in 1976, a record that stood for 25 years until another Hall of Famer, Gustavo Oriozabala from Argentina, swam across in 51 minutes 11 seconds in 2001.

A week later on December 7th, Macy also swam the Beagle Channel between Glacier Italia on Tierra del Fuego and Gordon Island in Chile, a 2 km crossing in 7.3°C (45°F) water in 33 minutes 51 seconds that established a new swim route that is offered by Patagonia Swim.

For more information on swims in Patagonia, visit here.

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