David Hartmire is one of the four swimmers attempting the 88-mile Extreme Adventure Challenge H2O.
David will join Jen Schumacher, Chris Dahowski and Mike Vovk in the Extreme Adventure Challenge H2O where they will individually – and collectively and cumulatively = face an increasing number of sharks, dolphins and whales between Catalina Island and the California mainland on October 4th – 6th.
Like many adults, he became increasingly sedentary and gradually ballooned up to 260 pounds (188 kilograms or 18.5 stones). He was warned by his doctors, “Lose weight or your liver may be damaged permanently.”
That was enough for the former swimmer and water polo player to begin swimming again and did a few Ironman triathlons and marathon runs. “I maintained my weight and discovered a new passion for long distance endurance events. In 2009, I founded the Santa Clarita Triathlon Club with the help of other local triathletes I met in the pool, and now the club boasts over 65 members after its first year. Among the proudest moments I recently had was in 2009, when my 14-year-old daughter completed her first triathlon and caught the bug.”
Although this challenge will be dependent on his teammates and the massive volunteer support crews that the team is putting together, David still has to do his part – and is apparently ready to do so. “The satisfaction that I feel when completing a long-distance event is unbelievable. There is pain and long hours of suffering in every endurance event, but when you reach the finish line, it all becomes worth it.”
Copyright © 2010 by Steven Munatones