Lexie Kelly Wins 4th Straight Open Water Race
Courtesy of WOWSA, San Clemente, California.
Lexie Kelly won her 5th race this summer at “The Greatest Show on Surf” (San Clemente Ocean Festival).
After winning the Swim the Avenues in Redondo Beach, the Newport Beach Pier to Pier Two Mile Open Water Swim in Newport Beach, and the Flowers Sea Swim 1-mile and 10 km races in the Cayman Islands, she also won the one-mile ocean race in San Clemente Beach.
Hundreds of athletes of all ages competed in lifeguard competitions (including the Surf Race, Rescue Relay, Surf Ski, National Doryman’s Association Race, International Ironman, Paddle Board Rescue Relay, 10’6” Paddleboard Sprint, American Ironman, Beach Flags and Paddleboard Sprint), Junior Lifeguard Competitions, Dolphin Dash for kids ages 12 and under, Groms Rule Surf Contest, 5K Beach Run/Walk, 5.5-mile Open Ocean Paddle, Biathlon (1K Swim/5K Run), Run-Swim-Run (200m, 300m, 200m), SUP Sprint Races, and Splash & Dash Relay (Runners 100m/Swimmers 300m).
For more information about the two-day festival, visit here.
Photo above by Joel Gitelson.
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