Courtesy of WOWSA, Glasgow, Scotland.
Lewis Pugh, the United Nations Patron of the Oceans, will give the keynote speech to a sold-out crowd at Scotland’s International Marine Conference on February 20th at the University of Strathclyde, Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow, Scotland.
Scotland’s vision is for clean, healthy, safe, productive and diverse seas that are managed to meet the long-term needs of nature and people.
This is only achievable through strong national action and international cooperation.
The conference will focus on current national and international actions to protect the marine environment including the following topics:
Day 1
* International Ocean Governance
* Clean and Healthy Seas
* Biologically Diverse Seas
* Productive and Sustainably Used Seas
* Climate Change
Day 2
* Promoting Behaviour Change
* Marine Sector Litter
* Marine Litter Sinks
* Citizen Science
* Microplastic & Microfibres
* Marine Spatial Planning Challenge
* Stemming The Flow Of Plastics; The Circular Economy
* Innovation
* International Working
* Community Action
* Pre-production Plastics (Nurdles)
* Sewage Related Debris
* Young People’s Workshop and Panel
* Marine Spatial Planning Challenge
For more information on the sold-out conference, visit here.
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