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Julie Newton, Marco Murari Swim Fast Around The Cold Half

Courtesy of Maxime Vanhollebeke, Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong.

We had a great race on February 4th in the 15 km Cold Half Extreme Marathon Swim and the 1.5 km Cold Plunge with both wetsuit and “naturally ocean” categories (skin),” said race director Doug Woodring.

The air temperature was a brisk 10°C at the start with morning frost warnings in the outer areas and water temperatures between 15-16°C.”

Julie Newton won her second consecutive Cold Half, just missing the record swim she did last year.

Cold Half Solo Results:
1. Ronald Thompson 3:50:53 (wetsuit)
2. Julie Newton 4:18:05 (natural)
3. Marco Murari 4:20:03 (natural)
4. Edie Hu 5:13:57 (natural)
5. Daniel Vanderhave 5:18:23 (wetsuit)
6. Jaimie Monahan 5:57:39 (natural)

Cold Half Relay Results:
1. Oli We Miss You 3:55:04, Wetsuited Half/Half with York Schilling and Doug Woo
2. Fluctuat Nec Mergitur 4:08:09, Wetsuited 30/30 with Patrice Meunier and Nimrod Wei
3. Sasquatches Of The Sea 4:09:32, Wetsuited 30/30 with Alec Stuart and Mark Stimson
4. Espresso Beach Boys 4:12:15, Wetsuited Half/Half with Adam Phua and Francesco Lanzone
5. Cojones Congelado 4:18:05, Wetsuited Half/Half with Jeff Faiola and Shane Davis
6. Gouda And Harzer 4:32:22, Wetsuited 30/30 with Ulrich Kirchhoff and Torsten van Dullemen
7. Team Harrow 5:38:37, Wetsuited 30/30 with Ryan Kong and Andre Lau
8. Swimming Lastlane 5:44:01, Wetsuited 30/30 with Valerie Richard and Vincent Subtil
9. Lyons United 6:14:15, Wetsuited Half/Half with Steve Lyons and Issy Lyons

Cold Plunge Top 10 Results:
1. Richard Greaves 22:52 (40-49 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
2. Tom Fox 23:20 (17-39 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
3. Scott Burton 23:55 (50+ Naturally Ocean)
4. Boet van den Heuvel 23:58 (Under 16 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
5. Andrew Schultz 24:21 (17-39 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
6. Stephen Gavin 24:49 (17-39 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
7. David Pope 25:36 (50+ Naturally Ocean)
8. Lily Sheary 26:07 (Under 16 Wetsuited & Buoyant)
9. Robert Kushner 26:10 (50+ Wetsuited & Buoyant)
10. Leo Chan 26:36 (40-49 Wetsuited & Buoyant)

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