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José Manuel Cullell Golfo Dulce In Costa Rica

Courtesy of Alberto Font, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica.

José Manuel Cullell is a 20-year-old open water swimmer from Costa Rica. He became the first person to swim 14 km across southern Costa Rica’s Golfo Dulce on 4 July 2015 in 4 hours 50 minutes from Playa Nicuesa, near Piedras Blancas National Park, to Puerto Jiménez.

The crossing was organized by Joe Bernini while Cullell was is coached by fellow Costa Rican swimmers Miguel Pérez and Kurt Niehaus.

The crossing served as the test swim for the inaugural 14 km race at the Cruce Aguas Abiertas Golfo Dulce that was also organized by Bernini last week.

Copyright © 2015 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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