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Jacques Tuset Knocks Off The 8 Ball

Introduction of the Prison Island Swims courtesy of Jacques Tuset and Team Aquadeus showing possible open water escapes from former prison islands all over the world.

Jacques Tuset, known as the King of the Prison Island Swims, has now escaped from his eighth prison island.

With the escape from the Rottnest Island (Australia) safely off of his bucket list, Tuset has now escaped from Alcatraz Island (USA), Île du Levant, Le Château d’If (France), Fort Boyard (France), Île de Gorée (Senegal), Robben Island (South Africa), Spike Island (Ireland), and Fort Royal de Sainte-Marguerite (France).

Tuset extended his lead with his eighth Prison Island Swim to his name, but Triple Break creator Ned Denison remains in hot pursuit with 6 escapes around the globe to his name: Robben Island, Alcatraz Island, Rottnest Island, Spike Island, Fort Royal de Sainte-Marguerite, and Île du Levant.

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