The Kaiwi Channel, also popularly known as the Molokai Channel), is part of the Oceans Seven.
The Molokai Channel has a lot to challenge the marathon swimmer…of all ages. To date, there have been 13 different people who have crossed the Molokai Channel a total of 15 different times with two people going in the Oahu-to-Molokai direction and four members of the Half Century Club.
The exclusive Molokai Channel club include:
1961 – Keo Nakama* (age 40)
1967 – Harry Huffaker* (27)
1972 – Harry Huffaker (32) from Oahu to Molokai
1974 – Jonathan Ezer (18)
1979 – Mike Miller (25) and Ian Emberson (28)
1994 – Robin Isayama (26) first female
2006 – Forrest Nelson (40) from Oahu to Molokai
2006 – Forrest Nelson (41) and Bill Goding (53)
2007 – Mike Spalding (60), Kelly Gleason (32) and Linda Kaiser (57)
2009 – Mackenzie Miller (19)
2010 – Chris Palfrey (52)**
* Member of the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame
** 12 hours and 53 minutes to hold the current world record in the channel.
Photo shows Keo Nakama finishing on his 1961 swim.
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