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Helping The Marine Environment With Six Packs

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Saltwater Brewery in Delray Beach, Florida is doing its best to conduct its business in an environmentally-responsible manner.

The small Florida brewery invented a way to replace the plastic six-pack rings that can harm sea life with edible rings.

Edible for the fish, turtles, birds – and the 690 species that are impacted by plastic pollution – that often choke on and die because of the millions of plastic six-pack rings that find their way to the oceans.

Saltwater Brewery makes its rings from leftover wheat and barley, creating a unique biodegradable and edible piece of trash.

This is a six-pack packaging design that instead of killing animals, feeds them,” said Chris Gove, president and co-founder of Saltwater Brewery. “By using by-products of the beer brewing process such as barley and wheat, this packaging goes beyond recycling and strives to achieve zero waste.”

Copyright © 2016 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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