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Frosted Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming

Frosted Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming

Courtesy of WOWSA, Great Salt Lake, Utah.

Gordon Gridley does quite a bit in the open water.

In addition to organizing the Great Salt Lake Open Water Marathon Swim and the Bear Lake Monster Swim, he co-founded the Wasatch Front Polar Bear Club and twice completed the 16 km Deer Creek Marathon Swim in Utah.

He also completed the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming and did an Ice Mile in Great Salt Lake, Utah in 1.19°C water.

Subsequent to doing his Triple Crown and Ice Mile, Gridley came up with the concept of the Frosted Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming.

The Frosted Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming (or FTC) is a term for individuals who complete both the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming and an Ice Mile, demonstrating both endurance in swimming marathon distances and extreme cold water swimming.

1. Craig Lenning (USA) – FTC achieved on July 10th 2011
2. Elaine Kornbau Howley (USA) – FTC achieved on December 8th 2012
3. Ned Denison (USA) – FTC achieved on February 10th 2013
4. Gordon Gridley (USA) – FTC achieved on June 14th 2014
5. Ciaran Byrne (Ireland) – FTC achieved on July 18th 2014
6. Colleen Blair (Scotland) – FTC achieved on February 7th 2015
7. Jaimie Monahan (USA) – FTC achieved on March 20th 2015
8. Helen Beveridge (Scotland) – FTC achieved on June 16th 2015
9. Sarah Thomas (USA) – FTC achieved on November 21st 2015
10. Tracy Clark (New Zealand) – FTC achieved on 15 August 15th 2016
11. Matthias Kaßner (Germany) – FTC achieved on January 27th 2017
12. Boguslaw Ogrodnik (Poland) – FTC achieved on July 23rd 2017
13. Ion Lazarenco Tiron (Republic of Moldova) – FTC achieved on 8 September 2017
14. Ranie Pearce (USA) – FTC achieved on January 28th 2018
15. Paula Yankauskas (USA) – [[FTC]] on September 6th 2018

To add other qualifying members to the Frosted Triple Crown list, contact

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